A Novel Affair [book blog]

My not-so-secret affair with romance novels

Me, My Shelf, & I

HELLO there!

I’m PJ, the gal behind A Novel Affair [book blog]. I’m also a(n): Registered nurse. Novice blogger. Travel enthusiast. Foodie. Wannabe cake artist. Maroon 5 fangirl. Overall book nerd & romance junkie who’ll read anything with a guy, a girl, their love story and a happy ending.

So how’d I get hooked on reading? 

As a little girl, I used to laugh at the antics of Amelia Bedelia, try to solve Nancy Drew’s cases before she did, and stay up late to finish Harry Potter via flashlight. At 14, I lost my romance novel virginity when I read about Amanda fondling Simon’s monstrous you-know-what in Lucy Monroe’s The Real Deal. Thankfully, I overcame that mildly shocking experience and have been hooked on the romance genre ever since!

In high school, I learned how to build robots, speak Russian, and catalogue crime scene evidence. I also had the good fortune to meet characters like Dorian Gray, Anna Karenina, Heathcliff, Jude the Obscure, Holden Caulfield, and my personal favorite, Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy. Fast forward to college where reading became both the bane of my existence and my saving grace. Forced to read very large, technical nursing textbooks and take courses like Antiquity & the 19th Century, I managed to retain my sanity by diving into stories about hot alpha males and their lady loves.

Now here I am, done with school, reading only what I love, and actually blogging about it! I’m so happy and excited to to be able to share this passion of mine with kindred spirits, that I couldn’t imagine any other place I’d rather be… other than in the arms of a book boyfriend, that is – but I’m sure you understand ;]

Happy reading & thanks for stopping by,

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3 comments on “Me, My Shelf, & I

  1. The Book Lovers
    May 10, 2013

    Hiiii! I’ve nominated you for the Leibster Award 🙂

    • P.J. Evans
      May 12, 2013

      Ahh I just saw this =) Not sure what it means exactly, or what I did to get on your radar, but THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

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about.me // PJE

Aloha! I'm PJ, the girl behind A Novel Affair [book blog].

Time machine